
Showing posts with the label Australia
  India-Australia trade agreement. ~Preet. India and Australia have stated that an Interim Trade Agreement will be signed in March 2022, followed by a Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) 12-18 months later.  The agreement will cover "the vast majority of areas of mutual interest" for both nations, including commodities, services, origin laws, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, and customs processes. The Supply Chain Resilience Initiative was previously initiated by India, Japan, and Australia (SCRI). Before a complete FTA (Free Trade Agreement) is signed, an interim or early harvest trade agreement is used to liberalize tariffs on the trade of particular items between two nations or trading blocs.  The government's emphasis on temporary accords might be tactical, allowing for a deal to be reached with minimal commitments and the resolution of thorny problems afterwards.  The concern is that these early harvest plans may focus on the low-hanging fruits, l