
Showing posts with the label International Conventions

The India Bangladesh Agreement

 ~Preet The author or the publisher has no rights to the image. This image is taken from  01f77e84-2dab-11ed-b360-96b459ca4506_1662445590640.jpg Bangladesh's Prime Minister recently visited India and met with the Indian Prime Minister. India and Bangladesh have inked seven agreements for cooperation spanning from river water sharing to space exploration, as well as launched new connectivity and energy initiatives.  The two sides have signed seven Memorandums of Understanding (MoU), including one on removing water from the cross-border Kushiyara river. The arrangement would assist southern Assam in India and Bangladesh's Sylhet area. Cooperation in space technology, collaboration on information technology systems used by railways in areas such as freight movement, science and technology cooperation, training of Bangladesh Railway personnel and Bangladeshi judicial officers in India, and cooperation in broadcasting between Prasar Bharati and Bangladesh Television were also areas

One Sun, One World, One Grid.

 ~Preet This image does not belong to the writer or the publisher. It was taken from  At the Conference of Parties (COP26) in Glasgow, UK, India and the United Kingdom jointly proclaimed "one sun, one world, one grid" — or OSOWOG. GGI-OSOWOG was founded in 2018 to create worldwide linked solar energy systems.   In collaboration with the United Kingdom, India announced the start of the Green Grids Initiative — One Sun, One World, One Grid (GGI-OSOWOG) under the International Solar Alliance. The OSOWOG's objective is 'The Sun Never Sets,' and it is constantly in some geographical spot, globally, at any given moment. The initiative aims to provide a framework for global collaboration on the effective use of renewable resources and to guarantee that clean and efficient energy is a reliable alternative for all nations to satisfy their energy need

India and Isreal to deepen ties

 ~Preet. hr88aov_pm-modi-with-naftali-bennett_625x300_02_November_21.jpg The Deputy PM and Defence Minister of Isreal visited India and bilateral meetings were held to strategise the deepening of military ties between the two nations. A document retaliating the the commitment of both the countries to deepen defence ties was presented. This marked the 30 years of India-Isreal relations. The two nations agreed upon India-Isreal vision on Defence Cooperation to fortify the Indo-Israeli defence cooperation. The nations exchanged a letter of intent about the enhancing of cooperation in the field of futuristic defence technologies. The bilateral cooperation is decided to be in line with PM Modi's vision of Make in India. Both nations examined current military-to-military activities, which had risen despite the constraints posed by the Covid-19 outbreak. They discussed methods to expand collaboration in all areas, with an emphasis on R&D in future technologies and defence co-productio

The Global Security Initiative by China.

 ~Preet Chinese President Xi Jinping recently proposed a new Global Security Initiative (GSI). The GSI seeks to oppose the United States' Indo-Pacific strategy and the Quad (India, US, Australia, Japan grouping). China, on the other hand, did not give much clarity or explanation regarding the planned global security programme. With escalating challenges from unilateralism, hegemony, and power politics, as well as growing deficiencies in peace, security, trust, and governance, humanity is confronted with more intractable issues and security concerns.  As a result, China maintained that the Global Security Initiative is intended to safeguard the notion of "indivisible security." According to the notion of "indivisible security," no country may increase its own security at the expense of others. GSI advocates for "shared, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable" security, as well as the development of an Asian security paradigm based on mutual respect

Russia alleged to sponsor terrorism.

~Preet. Ukraine recently asked the US to identify Russia as a "state supporter of terrorism." The designation would trigger the most severe penalties authorised to the US against Russia.  The US Secretary of State (the minister principally in charge of foreign affairs) has the authority to designate countries as "State Sponsors of Terrorism" if they "have persistently given assistance for acts of international terrorism." Sanctions can also be imposed on nations and individuals that participate in specific commerce with designated countries. There are now four nations on the list of state supporters of terrorism.  Syria, Iran, North Korea, and Cuba are all on the list.  There are currently three statutes that allow the Secretary of State to designate a foreign government for providing repeated support for acts of international terrorism: the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, which prohibits the transfer of most aid, the Arms Export Control Act (AECA), which

IMCG meeting.

 ~Preet The Foreign Secretary of India recently conducted the inaugural meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Coordination Group (IMCG) at the Secretary level.  The IMCG was established as a high-level vehicle to mainstream India's 'Neighbourhood First' policy objective, which intended to improve ties with the country's neighbours. Inter-ministerial Joint Task Forces (JTFs) constituted by joint secretaries in the Ministry of External Affairs provide support to IMCG. The IMCG offered a comprehensive direction with a whole-of-government strategy to encourage improved connectivity, stronger interconnections, and more people-to-people connections with neighbours. The meeting focused on the construction of border infrastructure to facilitate greater trade with neighbours such as Nepal, the special needs of countries such as Bhutan and the Maldives in terms of supply of essential commodities, the opening of rail connectivity with Bangladesh, humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan

IPCC 6th Assessment Report.

 ~Preet. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the United Nations' climate scientific authority, has issued the third part of its Sixth Assessment Report (AR6). The second half of the study, which included climate change consequences, risks and vulnerabilities, and adaptation strategies, was released in March 2022. The first section of this study, which covered the physical science of climate change, was released in 2021. It has previously cautioned that 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming was likely to be attained by 2040.  Global net anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were 59 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (GtCO2e) in 2019, up 54% from 1990. The term "net emissions" refers to emissions that are accounted for after subtracting emissions absorbed by the world's forests and seas. Anthropogenic emissions are those that result from human-caused activities such as coal combustion for energy or forest harvesting. This increase in emissions has

The BIMSTEC Summit 2022.

 ~Preet. The fifth summit of the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) grouping was recently held in Colombo, Sri Lanka (Host for the Fifth Summit).  The primary consequence of this meeting was the signing of the BIMSTEC Charter. The members were supposed to convene once every two years under this Charter. The BIMSTEC now has a worldwide presence as a result of the Charter. It has an emblem and a flag.  It has a formally stated goal and values to which it will adhere. In keeping with the organization's evolution into a formal structure, the leaders of the member nations have decided to split the group's operations into seven sectors, with India leading the security pillar. The Master Plan for Transport Connectivity, which will establish a framework for regional and domestic connectivity, was announced at the summit. A pact on mutual legal aid in criminal proceedings was also signed by member countries. A Memorandum of Agreement

India-Japan Summit 2022.

 ~Preet. The Japanese Prime Minister recently paid an official visit to India to attend the 14th India-Japan Annual Summit. The Summit took place at the 70th anniversary of the beginning of diplomatic ties between the two countries, as well as India's 75th anniversary of independence. Earlier, the Indian Prime Minister virtually launched a Japanese 'Zen Garden - Kaizen Academy' at Gujarat's Ahmedabad Management Association (AMA). Japan will invest Rs 3.2 lakh crores in India over the next five years. 7 JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) loans to several states for projects in connectivity, water supply and sewage, horticulture, healthcare, and wildlife protection. Japanese firms have inked an agreement to introduce Johkasou technology for decentralised wastewater treatment in India. It is utilised in locations where sewage infrastructure has yet to be built. The Sustainable Development Initiative for the North Eastern Region of India was launched with a focus
UNESCO to protect Ukraine's heritage sites.  ~Preet. In light of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has recently advocated for preventive measures to safeguard Ukraine's threatened cultural legacy.  To prevent intentional or unintentional destruction, the agency is labelling cultural sites and monuments throughout Ukraine with the unique "Blue Shield" logo of the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict. UNESCO is a United Nations specialised organisation (UN). It aims to promote peace via worldwide collaboration in education, science, and culture. It was established in 1945 and is headquartered in Paris, France. It is made up of 193 members and 11 associate members. India became a member of UNESCO in 1946. The United States and Israel formally left UNESCO in 2019.  Armed wars have always wreaked devastation on people's lives throughout
  The NATO Expansionism. ~Preet When Russia launched a military invasion of Ukraine, the ostensible motive for this act of territorial aggression was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's eastward expansion (NATO). NATO's expansionism threatened to enable Ukraine to join the alliance as a treaty partner at some unspecified moment in the future, bringing this transatlantic security coalition within striking distance of Russia's western frontiers. Earlier, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) held an emergency special session to consider a resolution calling for Russia to remove its troops unconditionally. NATO is a military alliance founded in April 1949 by the United States, Canada, and several Western European states to guarantee collective protection against the Soviet Union under the North Atlantic Treaty (also known as the Washington Treaty). The alliance presently has 30 members, with North Macedonia becoming the newest to join in 2020. When NATO was founded i
All about IPCC latest report. ~Preet The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) just issued the second instalment of its sixth assessment report. The second section of the paper discusses the effects of climate change, risks and vulnerabilities, and adaptation strategies. In 2021, the first half of this report, on the physical science of climate change. It has previously cautioned that 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming was likely to be attained by 2040. The third and last section of the report, which will investigate emission-cutting options, is scheduled to be released in April 2022. Noting that over 3.5 billion people, or more than 45 percent of the world population, live in climate-vulnerable areas. According to the research, India is one of the most susceptible areas, with multiple regions and major cities at high risk of climate calamities such as flooding, sea-level rise, and heat waves. Mumbai, for example, is at high risk of sea-level rise and flooding, but Ahmedabad is
Secretariat for organising G20 Summit 2023, approved. ~Preet. The Union Cabinet recently initiated the process of establishing a Secretariat to oversee the operations of organising the G20 summit in 2023. From the 1st of December 2022 until the 30th of November 2023, India will preside over the international body as its President, paving the way for the G20 summit to be held in India. The Secretariat will remain operational until February 2024. It would also enable long-term capacity building for India's leadership on global challenges at multilateral fora, including knowledge and skills. In December 2021, Indonesia will inherit the G20 Presidency. G20 is a coalition of 19 nations and the European Union (EU), with representatives from the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. It lacks a fixed secretariat or headquarters. The membership is made up of the world's greatest advanced and emerging nations, comprising around two-thirds of the world's population, 85 perce
Jaishankar meets Le Drain: India and France discuss  bilateral motions and global issues. ~Preet. In these difficult times, when the globe seems to be out of order, due to the terrifying issues ranging from Russia-Ukraine War to Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan, the two global powers’ representatives met to put forward their stance on these motions and discuss the plausible solutions of the same. Other than that there were discussions over various bilateral issues.  On February 22nd 2022, the External Affairs Minister of India, S. Jaishankar met with his French counterpart. The two leaders spoke about a variety of regional and global problems, including the India-EU relationship, the Afghanistan situation, the Indo-Pacific Strategy, the South China Sea Dispute, the Iran nuclear agreement, and the Ukraine crisis.  The two Ministers decided to launch the Indo-French proposal for an Indo-Pacific Parks Partnership together. This cooperation intends to strengthen capacity in the Indo-Paci
UAE-India virtual meet. ~Preet A virtual summit between India and the United Arab Emirates was recently conducted (UAE). India and the UAE formally began discussions on the India-UAE Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement in September 2021. (CEPA). The two countries issued a joint vision statement titled "Advancing India and the UAE's Comprehensive Strategic Partnership: New Frontiers, New Milestones." The Statement sets a road plan for India and the UAE's future-oriented engagement, including emphasis areas and goals. The common goal is to foster new trade, investment, and innovation dynamics across a variety of areas. It was agreed to strengthen maritime cooperation in order to contribute to the region's peace and security.  Reaffirmed united commitment to combating extremism and terrorism in all forms, including cross-border terrorism, at the regional and international levels. They agreed to support each other's clean energy initiatives and to form a