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One Sun, One World, One Grid.

 ~Preet This image does not belong to the writer or the publisher. It was taken from  At the Conference of Parties (COP26) in Glasgow, UK, India and the United Kingdom jointly proclaimed "one sun, one world, one grid" — or OSOWOG. GGI-OSOWOG was founded in 2018 to create worldwide linked solar energy systems.   In collaboration with the United Kingdom, India announced the start of the Green Grids Initiative — One Sun, One World, One Grid (GGI-OSOWOG) under the International Solar Alliance. The OSOWOG's objective is 'The Sun Never Sets,' and it is constantly in some geographical spot, globally, at any given moment. The initiative aims to provide a framework for global collaboration on the effective use of renewable resources and to guarantee that clean and efficient energy is a reliable alternative for all nations to satisfy their energy need