
Showing posts with the label Criminal Procedural Code

Amending the IPC and CrPC: The beginning.

 ~Preet The government recently began the process of amending criminal legislation such as the Indian Penal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure, and the Indian Evidence Act. In this quest, the Ministry of Home Affairs has solicited input from a variety of stakeholders, including Governors, Chief Ministers, the Chief Justice of India, Chief Justices of several High Courts, and others. Previously, the 111th, 128th, and 146th Parliamentary Standing Committee reports urged a complete overhaul of the country's criminal justice system. During British administration in India, criminal laws were codified, and they remain largely unchanged even in the twenty-first century. Lord Thomas Babington Macaulay is credited as being the primary architect of India's criminal law codifications. The Indian Penal Code, 1860, the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, and the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, among other laws, govern criminal law in India. Criminal law is seen as the most visible manifestation