
Showing posts with the label Death Penalty

The Death Penalty Reforms: All about it.

 ~Preet. Recently, a Supreme Court (SC) Bench agreed to thoroughly scrutinise processes in death penalty cases in order to guarantee that judges who must choose between life imprisonment and the death penalty have complete sentencing information. Previously, the Supreme Court expressed concerns about the procedure of assessing mitigating facts in death penalty cases. The court is reforming the procedures for bringing information required in a death penalty case before the courts. In doing so, the Supreme Court expresses its dissatisfaction with the method in which death sentence sentencing is carried out. While the death sentence has been declared legitimate, the way in which it has been carried out has sparked complaints of injustice and arbitrariness. Capital punishment, commonly known as the death penalty, is the execution of an offender condemned to death after being found guilty of a criminal offence by a court of law. It is the most severe sentence that may be imposed on an offen
SC commutes Death Sentence to Life Imprisonment, of a man accused of Rape and Murder of 7 year old. ~Preet On 9th of February 2022, the honourable Supreme Court of India, in a judgement related to rape and murder of a 7 year old, commuted the death sentence of the convict to a life imprisonment. This decision can act as an important precedent and a landmark judgment as the Three Judge Bench led by the honourable Justice A.M. Khanwilkar explicitly suggested that "the Judges must not be swayed in favour of the death penalty." The Author of the judgment, Honourable Justice Maheshwari, citing the progression in the concepts of penology ( Penology is a sub-component of criminology that deals with the philosophy and practice of various societies in their attempts to repress criminal activities, and satisfy public opinion via an appropriate treatment regime for persons convicted of criminal offences. ), held that, the prime motive of justice shall be "preservation of human life